Prispevek o holokavstu, veliki rani trpečih, tudi otrok, je spomin na vse, ki so jim vzeli svobodo, in opomin sodobnosti, naj ne pozabi preteklosti. Nekaterim današnjim mladostnikom je ta tema tabu, a se o tem poučijo s prebranimi knjigami in pogovorom v učilnici. Profesor podkrepi aktualizacijo šolske snovi z neposredno prisotnostjo na zgodovinskih prizoriščih. Srednješolci se odzivajo s poustvarjalnim pisanjem. Tako se šolska predmeta slovenščina in zgodovina dopolnita v celoto.
Sufferers and Executioners in Auschwitz – the Holocaust Also Left a Mark on Children
The article on the Holocaust, the gaping wound of the sufferers, including children, commemorates all those who have been deprived of their freedom and is a reminder to the present to not forget the past. This topic is a taboo for some adolescents today, but they nevertheless learn about it by reading books and discussing it in the classroom. The professor modernizes the subject matter through a direct presence in historic sites. Secondary school students react to this through re-creative writing. Thus, the subjects of
Slovenian language and history complement each other.