V prispevku predstavimo astronomski »poskus« z enostavnim modelom Osončja, ki ga izdelajo učenci sami. Model uporabijo, da spoznajo in si lažje predstavljajo pojave, povezane z gibanjem planetov okoli Sonca. Opišemo aktivnosti, preko katerih učenci pridobijo polkvantitativno razumevanje tretjega Keplerjevega zakona in spoznajo pojme konjunkcija, opozicija, elongacija ter periodične pojave, ki se tičejo dveh planetov in Sonca. Poskus je bil del tekmovanja Kresnička v šolskem letu 2016/2017. Navedli bomo naloge s tekmovanja, opredelili cilje, ki so jih naloge preverjale, komentirali težavnost nalog in podali kratek statistični pregled rezultatov, ki jih je na tekmovanju doseglo več kot 2500 sodelujočih učencev.
3rd Kepler’s Law and the Elongation of Venus
This paper presents an astronomy »experiment« with a simple model of the Solar System, made by the pupils themselves. They used the model to come to know and more easily picture the phenomena connected with the motion of planets around the Sun. The paper describes the activities through which the pupils have gained a semi-quantitative understanding of Kepler’s 3rd law, and came to know the concepts of conjunction, opposition and elongation, and the periodic phenomena involving two planets and the Sun. This experiment was a part of the Kresnička competition held in the 2016/2017 school year. The paper will list the competition tasks, define the objectives tested by these tasks, comment on the difficulty of the tasks, and give a brief statistical review of the results achieved in the competition by more than 2500 participating pupils.