Trajnostno vodenje EU projektov

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Znotraj programa Erasmus+ kot ključnega mehanizma Evropske unije na področju izobraževanja in usposabljanja prijavitelji projektov implementirajo in preizkušajo različne nove oblike dela, opazujejo različne prakse širom po Evropi in pridobivajo nova znanja z namenom profesionalne in osebne rasti. Evropska unija seveda želi glede na znatna sredstva, ki jih vlaga v program, vedeti tako na ravni projekta kot tudi na evropski in nacionalni ravni, kakšen je izkupiček investicije, kakšni so trajni vplivi oziroma spremembe na neposredno in posredno vključene v projekte Erasmus+. Prijavitelji in nacionalne agencije, ki nastopajo v vlogi izvrševalk programa Erasmus+, na nacionalni ravni, se torej med svojim delom prav gotovo srečujejo z vprašanjem, kako navedeno ovrednotiti, da bi bili rezultati primerljivi tako na ravni projektov kot tudi držav. V ta namen smo na slovenski nacionalni agenciji, skupaj s še nekaterimi državami, razvili orodje za samoevalvacijo trajnosti rezultatov projektov Erasmus+. V preteklem letu smo opravili tretjo analizo samoocenjevalnega vprašalnika, in sicer med tistimi pogodbeniki, ki so izvajali projekte učne mobilnosti posameznikov (KA1). V tem prispevku nas zanima predvsem doseganje trajnosti projektnih rezultatov, ki jih udeleženci uporabljajo pri svojem rednem delu in ki jih za svoje prevzame del ali celotna institucija ali pa tudi širše – sorodne institucije v lokalnem, nacionalnem okolju; rezultate, ki posamezniku in instituciji prinašajo učinke.


Sustainable management of EU projects

Within the Erasmus+ program, as a key mechanism of the European Union in the field of education and training, project applicants implement and test various new forms of work, they observe different practices across Europe and acquire new knowledge with the aim of professional and personal growth. Considerable resources are invested in the program by the European Union therefore it has to be assessed, both at the project level as well as at the European and national level, what the return on investment is, what are the lasting impacts or changes on those directly and indirectly involved in Erasmus+ projects. Applicants and national agencies implementing the Erasmus+ program at the national level, are therefore certainly faced with the question of how to make an evaluation in order for the results to be comparable both at the level of projects and countries. For this purpose, the Slovenian national agency, together with some other countries, has developed a self-evaluation tool for assessing sustainability of the results of Erasmus+ projects.
In the past year, the third analysis of the self-assessment questionnaire was carried out. It included those contractors who implemented individual learning mobility projects (KA1). In this article, we are primarily interested in how sustainability is reflected in project results, which the participants use in their regular work and which are incorporated into a part or the whole institution, and also into related institutions in the local, national environment. These are the results effective for individuals and institutions.