Terenski seminar Istra – spoznavanje s terenskimi metodami geografskega raziskovanja

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Prispevek predstavlja terenske metode geografskega raziskovanja, ki jih na UP, Fakulteti za humanistične študije, študenti geografije uporabljajo pri terenskem seminarju Istra. Študenti se s praktičnim delom seznanijo s štirimi različnimi temami in metodami raziskovanja. Kartirajo in s pomočjo geografskega informacijskega sistema analizirajo vrtače na Rakitovskem krasu, kartirajo rabo tal v katastrski občini Movraž, s pomočjo GIS izdelajo karto rabe tal in jo primerjajo z rabo tal po Franciscejskem katastru, s pomočjo informatorjev popisujejo krajevne vodne vire, izvajajo terenske meritve in kasneje še osnovne kemijske analize zbranih vzorcev vode ter anketirajo prebivalce z namenom, da bi spoznali, kako vrednotijo svoje okolje, kje vidijo priložnosti in kje ovire za razvoj svojega kraja. Terenski seminar Istra smo v preteklih letih že večkrat izvedli na obmejnem jugovzhodnem delu slovenske Istre, na območju naselij Rakitovec, Zazid, Dvori in Movraž.


Istria Field Seminar – Getting to Know the Field Methods of Geographical Research

This paper presents the field methods of geographical research which are used by Geography students at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Primorska in the Istria field seminar. Through practical work, students learn about four different topics and methods of research. They map and analyse the dolines in the karst of Rakitovec using a geographic information system; they map the land use in the Cadastral Municipality of Movraž; use GIS to make a land use map and compare it with the land use according to the Land Register of Francis I; use informants to inventory local water resources; conduct field measurements, followed by basic chemical analyses of the collected water samples; and survey the population with the intention of finding out how they assess their surroundings, and where they see the opportunities for and barriers to the development of their area. The Istria field seminar was carried out several times in previous years in the border, southeastern part of Slovenian Istria, in the area of the settlements of Rakitovec, Zazid, Dvori and Movraž.