V vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu smo učitelji, pedagogi, specialni pedagogi in mnogi drugi, ki imajo v stik z učenci, zelo pomembni. Ne samo da učencem lahko približamo učno snov, jih naučimo brati in pisati ter računati, ampak jim kot pomembni drugi zmoremo ponuditi mnogo več. Velikokrat pozabimo na pomembnost razvijanja čustvene in socialne pismenosti v šolah. V članku sem z didaktičnim pripomočkom, »kolo čustev«, skušala prikazati nekaj orodij, s katerimi lahko krepimo in razvijamo čustveno in socialno pismenost pri učencih.
How to Develop Emotional and Social Literacy in Primary School
In the educational process, teachers, pedagogues, special and rehabilitation pedagogues and many others who come into contact with students are very important. Not only that we can bring learning material closer to students, teach them to read and write and count, but as important others we are able to offer students much more. We often forget the importance of developing emotional and social competencies in schools. In the article, I tried to show some tools with which we can strengthen and develop emotional and social competencies in students. I named the tool the Wheel of emotions.