Svetovalno delo v vrtcu kot podpora ustvarjanju čustveno varnega, socialno vključujočega in spoznavno spodbudnega okolja za otroke

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V prispevku bomo svetovalno službo v vrtcu najprej umestili v širši teoretski okvir, zlasti na polje sociokulturnih teorij, kar nam bo dalo možnosti razumevanja raznolikih, med seboj povezanih in visoko strokovnih dejavnosti, ki jih svetovalne delavke v vrtcu opravljajo z namenom zagotavljanja dodane vrednosti h kakovosti predšolske vzgoje. V nadaljevanju bomo analizirali pomen in vlogo svetovalne službe na nekaterih izbranih področjih otrokovega razvoja in učenja v vrtcu ter pri tem opisali sistemske, preventivne in razvojne vidike dejavnosti ter delo z različnimi ciljnimi skupinami, kot so otroci, vzgojiteljice, vodstvene delavke, starši. Posebej bomo izpostavili tudi nujnost zagotavljanja ustreznih sistemskih in normativnih pogojev za kakovostno strokovno delo svetovalne službe v vrtcu.


Counseling Work in Kindergarten as Support for the Creation of an Emotionally Safe and Socially Inclusive Environment Encouraging Cognitive Development for Children

Th e article begins by placing kindergarten counseling services in a wider theoretical framework, especially sociocultural theories, which lays the basis for understanding the diverse, interconnected and highly professional activities performed by kindergarten counselors with the purpose of providing added value to the quality of preschool education. Next, it analyses the meaning and role of the counseling work in certain selected areas of the child’s development and learning in kindergarten by describing the systemic, preventive and developmental aspects of the activities and work with different target groups, such as children, teachers, heads and parents. A particular focus is also on the necessity of providing adequate systemic and normative conditions for the quality of kindergarten counselors professional work.