Svetovalna služba v dijaških domovih


Svetovalna služba v dijaškem domu sodeluje z dijaki, starši, vzgojitelji in ravnateljem ter s tem skuša pomagati pri doseganju zastavljenih ciljev vsakega dijaškega doma. Svetovalna služba dijaškega doma naj bi poleg reševanja kompleksnih težav delovala preventivno predvsem z različnimi preventivnimi vsebinami za dijake, evalvirala učni uspeh, področje vpisa in izpisa ter prevzemala del skrbi za kulturo in klimo dijaškega doma v celoti. Kompleksne težave, s katerimi se svetovalna služba ukvarja, postajajo iz leta v leto zahtevnejše, kar se kaže tako pri težavah povezovanja med različnimi podsistemi v dijaškem domu kot tudi pri opravljanju vseh zahtevanih nalog, predvsem tistih s področja preventive in evalvacije.


Counselling Service at Secondary School Residence Halls

The counselling service at a secondary school residence hall works with the secondary school students, parents, teachers and headteacher to enable the achievement of objectives set by the residence hall. In addition to solving complex problems, the counselling service at a secondary school residence hall performs preventive measures, especially through diverse prevention-related contents for secondary school students; evaluates academic achievement, enrolment and withdrawals; and assumes some of the responsibility for the overall culture and climate at the residence hall. The complex problems addressed by the counselling service are becoming more demanding from year to year. This is evident in the problems with integrating different subsystems at the secondary school residence hall and in the performance of all the required tasks, especially those relating to prevention and evaluatio