V času šolanja so grafomotorične spretnosti osrednjega pomena, saj močno vplivajo na opismenjevanje, ki se v višjih razredih nadgradi s pisanjem. V članku navajamo študijo primera, kako smo pri učencu z razvojno disgrafijo, ki je že bil v zadnji opismenjevalni fazi, poskusili premostiti ovire na področju pisanja s pomočjo rabe računalnika. Računalnik smo sistematično v obdobju treh let postopoma vključevali k uram pouka. V študiji primera spremljamo učenčev napredek ter podrobnejši postopek vpeljevanja računalnika k uram pouka.
Case Study: Computer-assisted Note-taking in Developmental Dysgraphia Student
Graphomotor skills are crucial for a learner‘s participation in school activities, as they strongly impact literacy, which is the foundation for writing in the later years of life. We present a case study in which a student with dysgraphia, in the final stages of literacy development, attempted to overcome barriers in writing by systematically and gradually integrating a computer into lessons over a three-year period. The case study monitored the student‘s progress and the more thorough process of introducing the computer into lessons.