Strpnost in sprejemanje drugačnosti

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Prihod priseljencev v Evropo in tudi v Slovenijo povzroča v šolah nestrpnost in predsodke do tujcev in drugačnih. Strah pred tujimi priseljenci, drugačne kulturne navade in prilagodljivost oziroma neprilagodljivost tujcev so bile iztočnice, ki so nas spodbudile, da smo v članku razmišljale, kako lahko v šolah in vrtcih prispevamo k navajanju otrok in učencev na strpen odnos do tujcev in sprejemanje njihove drugačnosti. Predsodke, ki jih otroci prinesejo v šolo in izhajajo iz družinskega okolja, je zelo težko odpravljati, a vendar smo vzgojitelji in učitelji v šoli odgovorni, da se soočimo z njimi in jim jih pomagamo zmanjšati ali odpraviti. Odgovornost družbe je, da priseljenca sprejme kot človeka. S tematskimi delavnicami za strokovne delavce smo želele doseči, da bi udeleženci razmislili o lastnih predsodkih, spodbujanju strpnosti in ohranjanju različnosti. Najprej moramo poznati sebe, šele nato lahko opazujemo sebe v odnosu do drugih. Po izvedenih delavnicah, ki so senzibilizirale strokovne delavce za strpnost in sprejemanje drugačnosti, smo ugotovile, da je treba medsebojnim odnosom pri pouku nameniti več poudarka, in to pri vseh predmetih. Različnost v razredu oziroma oddelkih mora biti priložnost, da se učimo drug od drugega, medkulturnost pa mora postati del šolskega vsakdana. Menimo, da je treba v kurikul vrtca in učne načrte šol pri vseh predmetih vnesti ustrezne vsebine, vezane na medsebojne odnose, strpnost in drugačnost. Z zapisom v te dokumente bi omenjene vrednote načrtno vzgajali že v predšolskem obdobju, sprejemanje drugačnosti pa naj bi postalo tudi rdeča nit sodelovanja s starši.


Tolerance and the Acceptance of Diversity

The arrival of immigrants to Europe and also to Slovenia engenders intolerance and prejudice in schools against foreigners and people who are different. The fear of foreign immigrants, different customs, and the adaptability or inflexibility of foreigners were those cues that prompted us to contemplate in this article how schools and preschool can contribute to getting children and pupils accustomed to a tolerant attitude towards foreigners and to accepting their difference. The prejudice that children bring to school and which arises from their family environments is very hard to suppress; and yet it is our responsibility as educators and teachers in schools to confront this prejudice and help the children reduce it or part with it altogether. It is the responsibility of society to receive immigrants as humans. Through a series of thematic workshops intended for teaching professionals we wanted to reach out to the participants to reflect on their own prejudices, tolerance promotion and maintaining diversity. First we have to get to know ourselves, only then we can observe ourselves in our relations with others. Following the implementation of our workshops that sensitised teaching professionals to tolerance and the acceptance of diversity, we find it essential that interpersonal relations receive more emphasis during lessons, across all subjects. Within year groups or classrooms, diversity should act as an opportunity to learn from each other, while multiculturalism must become part of everyday school life. We believe that suitable topics relating to interpersonal relations, tolerance, and diversity, should get entered into kindergarten curriculum and school programmes for all subjects. Their inclusion in these documents would ensure that the aforementioned values are getting instilled already at the preschool age, while the acceptance of diversity would also become the common thread of collaboration with parents.