Stališča študentov Pedagoške fakultete UL do slovenskega pravopisa

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Jezikovna zmožnost in z njo pravopisna zmožnost je ena od sestavin sporazumevalne zmožnosti, ki se jo tako sistematično kot spontano razvija od 1. razreda osnovne šole naprej. Članek povzema ugotovitve raziskave o mnenjih študentov Pedagoške fakultete UL o obravnavi in uporabi pravopisnih pravil na različnih stopnjah izobraževalnega sistema ter nakazuje nekaj nujnih sprememb predmetov in vsebin predvsem na področju študija vseh bodočih pedagogov.


Faculty of Education Students’ Views on Slovenian Orthography

The ability to use language and knowledge of orthography are among the elements of the communication competence developed, both systematically and spontaneously, from the first grade of primary school. The article gives a summary of the findings from a research performed among the students of the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, with the purpose of gaining insight into their views on learning and using orthography rules at various educational levels. It also points to a few necessary changes in the curriculum and content, primarily concerning the studies of all future pedagogues.