V prispevku predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, v kateri smo preverjali stališča mlajših učencev do uvajanja prvega tujega jezika (v nadaljevanju TJ 1) po pristopu vsebinsko in jezikovno integriranega učenja (CLIL) v drugi razred prve tretjine slovenskih osnovnih šol. Zanimalo nas je, ali obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v stališčih učencev do uvajanja TJ 1 glede na spol, starost in šolo, kjer TJ 1 poučujejo. Rezultati nakazujejo, da lahko skoraj povsem potrdimo hipotezo 3, samo delno lahko potrdimo hipotezo 2, hipotezo 1 pa lahko povsem potrdimo. Pri hipotezi 3 je rezultat preizkusa Bonferroni post-hoc prikazal razlike med OŠ Antona Ukmarja Koper na eni ter OŠ Dragotina Ketteja Ilirska Bistrica, OŠ Solkan in OŠ Voličina na drugi strani. V vseh omenjenih šolah učitelji namreč pri pouku TJ 1 uporabljajo vsebinsko in jezikovno integrirani pristop poučevanja CLIL ali temu podobne pristope, kar je vzrok za omenjene razlike v stališčih. Prispevek pomembno pripomore k razumevanju stališč vodstvenih delavcev in učiteljev tujega jezika, kar lahko v procesu uvajanja prvega tujega jezika izraziteje vpliva na spremembo stališč in na kakovostno delo učiteljev pri pouku.
Younger Pupils’ Attitudes to the Introduction of the First Foreign Language Using the Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach (CLIL)
The article presents the results of our study that examined the views of younger pupils on the introduction of the first foreign language (hereinafter FL1), using the content and language integrated learning approach (CLIL), into the second grade of the first third of Slovenian elementary schools. We wondered whether statistically significant differences in pupil attitudes toward the introduction of FL1 existed by (Hypothesis 1) gender, (Hypothesis 2) age, and (Hypothesis 3) the school where FL1 was taught. The results indicate that Hypothesis 3 can be confirmed almost entirely, Hypothesis 2 only in part, and Hypothesis 1 completely. For Hypothesis 3, the results of the Bonferroni post-hoc test revealed considerable differences between Anton Ukmar Koper Elementary School on the one side, and Dragotin Kette Ilirska Bistrica, Solkan, and Voličina elementary schools on the other. In all of these schools, teachers use the content and language integrated learning approach to FL1 teaching or approaches similar to CLIL, which is the source of said differences in attitudes. This article significantly contributes to understanding the attitudes among school leadership members and foreign language teachers, which is something that, in the process of introducing FL1, can have a more marked effect on the change of attitudes and the quality of teacher work in class.