Srednjeevropski matematiki pred četrt tisočletja

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Slovenski matematiki 17. in 18. stoletja so bili zvečine člani jezuitskega reda avstrijske province. Predavali so na filozofskih študijih, ki so bili vmesna stopnja med nižjimi študiji in univerzo, kot jih danes ne poznamo več. Obravnavamo več kot štiristo profesorjev matematike, ki so predavali v avstrijski in češki jezuitski provinci do prepovedi jezuitov leta 1773. Mnogi med njimi so službovali tudi na slovenskem narodnostnem ozemlju, čeravno ne vedno kot profesorji matematike. Zanimajo nas njihova objavljena dela in še posebej odnos do novosti rimskega in pavijskega profesorja matematike Boškovića.


Central European Mathematicians a Quarter of a Millennium Ago

Slovenian mathematicians of the 17th and 18th century were mostly members of the Jesuit order of the Austrian province. They lectured in philosophical studies, which were an intermediate stage between lower studies and the university and are no longer in use today. The paper discusses more than four hundred professors of Mathematics who lectured in Austrian and Bohemian Jesuit provinces before the suppression of the Jesuits in 1773. Many of them also worked in the Slovenian ethnic territory, although not always as professors of Mathematics. Their published works are brought into the limelight, and especially their attitude towards the innovations of Bošković, a professor of Mathematics in Rome and Pavia.