Spremembe v kariernem oblikovanju življenjskih potekov mladih

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Prehod iz šole v zaposlitev ima za mlade poseben pomen. Pomeni prehod v ekonomsko samostojnost in odraslost v polnem pomenu. Zaradi rastočega preloma v možnostih zaposlitve se je zmanjšala stabilnost življenjskega poteka. Za mlade v prehodu v odraslost se je najprej začel uveljavljati sistem fleksibilne podzaposlenosti, ki se oblikuje na robu uradnega sistema polne zaposlitve. Te spremembe ne vplivajo samo na načrtovanje profesionalne kariere, ampak posledično na načrtovanje življenjske kariere. Študije kažejo predvsem na drugačno samopodobo ter stališča do sveta in življenja pri sodobni generaciji mladih (Ule 2016). Delo izgublja monopolni položaj tistega, ki določa smisel (odraslega) življenja. Namesto pretežne usmeritve v delo in trajno zaposlitev se mladi preusmerjajo na druga področja. Kot konkurenčna motiva se pojavljata kvaliteta življenja in delo na sebi. Če mladi nimajo možnosti za konstruktivne in družbeno priznane poti za doseganje pričakovanega socialnega statusa, poskušajo doseči alternativni socialni status. To lahko pomeni produktivni spopad z obstoječimi razmerami. Še večkrat pa to vodi v destrukcijo, pasivnost ali samodestrukcijo. Posledica teh sprememb je pasivna, obrambna, difuzna identiteta kot adaptivni odgovor na težji, negotov in nejasen prehod v odraslost.


Changes to Young People’s Career Paths

The transition from school to employment is of special importance to young people. It denotes at transition to economic independence and adulthood in every sense of the word. A growing lack of employment opportunities has reduced the stability of the life course. A system of flexible underemployment is being pursued by young people transitioning to adulthood; this system is formed at the margins of the official full employment system. These changes affect not only the planning of one’s professional career but, consequently, also the planning of one’s life course. Studies mostly indicate a different self-image and attitudes towards the world and life in the contemporary generation of young people (Ule 2016). Work is losing its monopoly as the thing that gives meaning to (adult) life. Instead of mostly focusing on work and permanent employment, young people are focusing on other areas. The quality of life and personal growth are two emerging competitive motives. When young people do not have the opportunity to pursue constructive and socially recognized paths to achieve the expected social status, then they try to achieve an alternative social status. This could lead to a productive conflict with the existing circumstances. More often than not, it leads to destructive behaviour, passiveness or self-destructive behaviour. Th e result of these changes is a passive, defensive, diff used identity as an adaptive response to a harder, more uncertain and unclear transition to adulthood.