Spremembe rabe tal v Evropi v obdobju 2000–2018

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V članku so na podlagi podatkov Corine Land Cover in podatkov Evropske okoljske agencije prikazane strukture rabe tal po evropskih državah in spremembe rabe tal v obdobju 2000–2018. Izpostavljeni so predvsem procesi spreminjanja umetnih, kmetijskih in gozdnih površin. Posebej smo obravnavali primere evropskih držav, v katerih so ti procesi še posebej izraziti. Analizirani so tudi podatki o obdelovalnih površinah na prebivalca po državah, ki v prvem približku govorijo o stanju samooskrbnosti.


Changes in Land Use in Europe in the 2000-2018 Period

The article presents the structures of land use according to individual European countries and the changes in land use in the period 2000-2018 based on the CORINE Land Cover and European Environmental Agency information. It highlights primarily the processes of changing artificial, agricultural and forest surfaces. A special focus is given to those European countries where these processes are particularly prominent. The article also includes the analysis of the data on arable land per inhabitant for each country, which in the first approximation speaks about subsistence farming.