Spodbujanje socialnih interakcij med otroki v vrtcu s poletnimi dejavnostmi v naravi


V prispevku je predstavljen socialni razvoj v zgodnjem otroštvu, natančneje socialne interakcije otrok skozi prizmo alternativnih pristopov in konceptov. Uporabljeni so bili naslednji pristopi in koncepti: taborniški Program za mlade, gozdna pedagogika in Reggio Emilia, ki so bili povezani s Kurikulumom za vrtce (1999). V nadaljevanju je predstavljen projekt poletnih dejavnosti, osnovan na podlagi zgoraj zapisanih pristopov in konceptov. Cilj projekta je bil spodbujati socialne interakcije otrok znotraj posameznih oddelkov, različnih oddelkov ter otrok in strokovnih delavcev. Kljub začetnemu manjšemu številu interakcij otrok so se te postopoma povečevale skozi čas, še posebej med otroki različnih oddelkov. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da je projekt pozitivno vplival na socialne interakcije otrok.


Encouraging Social Interactions Among Kindergarten Children Through Summer Outdoor Activities

The article presents the social development in early childhood, specifically the social interactions of children through the lens of alternative approaches and concepts. The following approaches and concepts were used: the Scout Youth Program, forest pedagogy, and Reggio Emilia, which were linked to the Curriculum for Kindergartens (1999). Subsequently, a project of summer work based on the aforementioned approaches and concepts is presented. The aim of the project was to promote social interactions among children within individual groups, different groups, and between children and professional staff. Despite the initially lower number of interactions among children, these gradually increased over time, especially among children from different groups. From this, we can infer that the project had a positive impact on the social interactions of children.