V prispevku je podana analiza mature iz fizike leta 2020. Ključni statistični podatki o kandidatih, nalogah in uspehu so navedeni primerjalno glede na predhodna leta. Izpostavljen je rahlo slabši uspeh kandidatov glede na prejšnja leta zaradi oteženih priprav na maturo. Predstavljene so najbolj izstopajoče naloge s komentarji uspeha, zbrane so značilne napake in težave kandidatov pri reševanju izpita. Opisan je postopek ocenjevanja, ki je pri tem izpitu prvič potekal elektronsko na daljavo.
General Physics Matura Exam in 2020
The article analyses the Physics Matura Exam from 2020. The key statistical data on the candidates, tasks and results is given in comparison with the previous years. The emphasis is on the slightly lower results than in previous years due to more difficult Matura preparations. The tasks standing out the most are presented with comments on the results, together with the typical mistakes and problems that the candidates encountered in taking the exam. The online evaluation process which took place remotely for the first time in the implementation of this exam is also described.