Šolska inšpekcija: osebni pogled v luči zakonskih okvirov

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Zakonska pristojnost izvajanja nadzora izhaja iz načel samostojnosti in neodvisnosti inšpekcijskega delovanja, varstva javnega in zasebnega interesa, načela javnosti in sorazmernosti ter določanja pristojnosti in ukrepanja inšpektorja. Namen prispevka je prikazati način razmišljanja pri načrtovanju dela šolske inšpekcije, identificirati nekaj ključnih izzivov, pred katerimi se je znašel sistem nadzora, oziroma sporočiti kako naprej. Prikazan je praktični vidik vsakodnevnega iskanja ravnotežja med javno koristjo ter pravicami in dolžnostmi strank v inšpekcijskih postopkih.


School Inspection: Personal View in Light of Legal Framework

The statutory power to carry out inspections is based on the principles of autonomy and independence of inspection interventions, the protection of public and private interests, the principles of publicity and proportionality, and on the regulation of inspectors’ powers and conduct. Following the explanation of the reasoning behind school inspection’s activities, this article helps identify major challenges facing the inspection system and communicates the way forward. In addition, it shows the practical aspect of constantly seeking a balance between the public good on one hand, and the rights and duties of the parties involved in inspection procedures on the other.