Šola, vrtec in duševno zdravje

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V članku so opisani pomen, vloga in možnosti šole ter vrtca pri varovanju duševnega zdravja otrok. Predstavljeni so tudi argumenti za sistemsko vgrajevanje zaščitnih dejavnikov duševnega zdravja v vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem, ki izhajajo iz socialno-ekološke paradigme, raziskav o varovalnih dejavnikih in odpornosti ter raziskav o pomenu podpornih socialnih omrežij za duševno zdravje in psihosocialno blagostanje. Članek opozarja na možnosti aktiviranja virov v šolskem okolju in v širši skupnosti za pomoč otrokom v stiski ter otrokom z visokim tveganjem za razvoj motenj. Predstavljene so strategije varstva duševnega zdravja otrok, ki jih je mogoče izvajati v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih.


School, Kindergarten, and Mental Health

This article describes the meaning, role and possibilities that schools and kindergartens have with regard to the protection of children’s mental health. It also presents arguments as to why mental health protective factors, which were derived from social ecological paradigm, studies on protective factors and resistance, and studies on the supportive role that social networks have in mental health and psychosocial well-being, should be systemically integrated into the educational system. Pointed out is the possibility of activating resources within school environment and broader community in order to help the children in need, and those at high risk for developing disorders. The article also represents strategies for the protection of children’s mental health which could be performed within educational institutions.