V članku obravnavamo partnerski odnos, ki se vzpostavlja pri sodelovanju med učitelji in starši in ga utemeljujemo kot najustreznejši model sodelovanja med obojimi. Zanj je značilno tako upoštevanje strokovnosti kot nadzora, kar prispeva k optimalnemu razvoju otroka. Dotaknemo se nesimetričnosti tega odnosa, saj gre za razmerje med strokovnjakom, učiteljem in laikom, staršem. Opišemo modele skupne, ločene in zaporedne odgovornosti ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo na sodelovanje, med drugim pričakovanja, prepričanja, vzgojni stili, družinske okoliščine, v času migracij pa tudi poznavanja jezika. Vse skupaj pa povežemo z izkušnjami iz prakse.
Teacher Cooperation with Parents
The article discusses the partnership developed in teacher-parent collaboration that is considered as the most adequate collaboration model between the two, taking into account both expertise and monitoring, thus contributing to the child’s optimal development. We touch on the asymmetry of this partnership as it represents a relationship between the expert, the teacher and the parent, i.e. non-expert. We describe models of shared, separate and successive responsibility as well as the factors influencing the collaboration, such as expectations, beliefs, learning styles, family circumstances and the knowledge of the language during migrations. All of the above is complemented by practical experiences.