Sodelovanje specialnega pedagoga z vodstvom šole na področju učenja in poučevanja

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V prispevku obravnavamo povezovanje med specialnimi pedagoginjami in vodstvom šol na področju učenja in poučevanja. V prvem delu na kratko predstavljamo teoretična spoznanja o delu šolske svetovalne službe in njenem sodelovanju z vodstvom šole. V drugem, empiričnem delu, ki smo se ga lotili kvalitativno, prikazujemo povezovanje med specialnimi pedagoginjami in
vodstvom šole na področju učenja in poučevanja. Rezultati kažejo, da se ravnatelji in specialne pedagoginje na področju učenja in poučevanja povezujejo predvsem zaradi vzgoje in izobraževanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami in učnimi težavami. Njihovo sodelovanje je kontinuirano in kakovostno. Poleg dobrega sodelovanja z vodstvom so sodelujoči poudarili pomen aktivnega mreženja v aktivu svetovalnih delavk. Rezultati pričajo o tem, da se šole zavedajo pomena mreženja, ki pozitivno vpliva na učenje vseh akterjev v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu.


Special Education Counsellor Collaboration with School Leaderships in the Field of Learning and Teaching

The article discusses collaboration efforts between special education counsellors and their school leaderships in the field of learning and teaching. The first part briefly reviews theoretical considerations on the work of school counselling services and their collaboration with school leaderships. The second, empirical part, which was approached qualitatively, depicts the collaboration between special education counsellors and their school leaderships in the field of learning and teaching. Our results show that principals and special education counsellors collaborate primarily concerning the education of children with special needs or learning disabilities. Their collaboration demonstrates continuity and quality. In addition to commendable collaboration with their leaderships, our participants also emphasised the importance of active networking through the association of educational consultants. The results testify to the fact that schools are aware of the importance of networking, as it shows positive impact on learning among all educational process participants.
