Slovenski turnir mladih fizikov

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Članek opisuje zgodovino tekmovanja Slovenski turnir mladih fizikov (angl. Slovenian Young Physicists‘ Tournament – SiYPT) vse od njegovih začetkov leta 2012 do danes. Pojasnjeni so različni koraki, s katerimi smo poskušali doseči vpetost slovenskega tekmovanja v širši mednarodni okvir tovrstnih tekmovanj, in razložene so organizacijske ter finančne težave, ki so nas spremljale pri doseganju tega cilja. Na koncu je naštetih še nekaj poglavitnih razlogov za sodelovanje dijakov na tovrstnih tekmovanjih.


Slovenian Young Physicists’ Tournament

The article describes the history of the »Slovenian Young Physicists’ Tournament (SiYPT)« from its early days in 2012 to the present. It illustrates the different steps taken to incorporate the Slovenian competition into a broader international framework of competitions of this kind, and explains the organisational and financial difficulties encountered on the way to achieving that goal. In concludes by mentioning some of the main reasons for secondary school students to participate in such competitions.