Domoljubje oz. patriotizem pojmujemo kot lojalnost do države, v kateri živimo, do njene družbene ureditve in v spoštovanju do naravnih danosti in dosežkov naroda, katerega identiteta nam je vcepljena. Učitelj geografi je domoljubje gradi na naravno-geografskih temeljih štirih slovenskih makroregij in dediščini, ki so jo pustili predniki na tem ozemlju. Podobo države bogatijo torej odtisi štirih svetovnih kultur: slovanske, romanske, germanske in ugrofinske. Ponosni smo denimo na oba Nobelova nagrajenca slovenskih korenin Friderika Pregla in Petra Handkeja in tudi na kartografa, kočevskega Nemca Petra Kozlerja, ki je zasnoval prvi zemljevid pokrajin, poseljenih s slovenskim življem. Tudi ameriška izseljenca slovenskih korenin Jože Sutter in Sunita Williams sta nedolgo tega pripomogla k prepoznavnosti Slovenije v svetu. Kot narod gojimo torej domoljubje tako, da vanj vključujemo bogastvo, ki so nam ga prepustili prejšnji rodovi domačinov in Slovencev po srcu oziroma duhovni pripadnosti. V Sloveniji in/ali po svetu so vidni/zaznani odtisi njih ustvarjalnosti. Demokracija in vladavina prava, državna suverenost in vpetost v evropsko skupnost narodov je dosežek naših sodobnikov. Učitelj geografi je zna ločiti med domoljubjem/patriotizmom in nacionalizmom. Učitelj geografi je se osredotoča na predstavitev kulturne krajine, ki so jo rezidenti in posamezniki, oziroma duhovne ali politične institucije, povezane s tem ozemljem, oblikovale in so avtentične ali preoblikovane prepoznavne v državnem okviru in narodnem tkivu.
Slovenia – My Country
Patriotism is viewed as loyalty to the country we live in, to its social regime, and as respect for the country’s natural features and for the achievements of the nation whose identity has been instilled in us. A Geography teacher builds patriotism on the foundations of the natural geography of the four Slovenian macroregions and on the heritage left behind by our ancestors in this territory. The image of our country is therefore enriched by the footprints of four global cultures: Slavic, Romance, Germanic and Finno-Ugric. We are proud of both Nobel Prize winners with Slovenian roots, Friderik Pregl and Peter Handke, and of the cartographer, the Gottscheer Peter Kozler, who compiled the first map of lands inhabited by Slovenes. Recently, the Americans with Slovenian roots, Jože Sutter and Sunita Williams, have contributed to the recognisability of Slovenia in the world. As a nation we foster patriotism by imbuing it with the wealth handed down by previous generations of natives and of Slovenes at heart or by spiritual affi liation. In Slovenia and/or throughout the world the footprints of their creativity can be seen/perceived. Democracy and the rule of law, national sovereignty and integration into the European Community are the achievements of our contemporaries. A Geography teacher is able to distinguish between patriotism and nationalism. A Geography teacher focuses on presenting the cultural landscape formed by its residents and individuals, or by spiritual or political institutions connected with this territory, and which are recognizable within the context of the state and within the national tissue either in their authentic form or transformed.