V prispevku opisujem projekt Razveselimo starejše, ki zajema medgeneracijsko sodelovanje učencev Osnovne šole Muta s stanovalci doma Hmelina Radlje ob Dravi v različnih dejavnostih. V času učenja na daljavo ter stroge izolacije so učenci ostali s stanovalci doma v stiku prek videoklica. Učenci so se predloga razveselili in sprejeli izziv. Medsebojno druženje prek videoklica je tako učence kakor stanovalce doma pozitivno presenetilo in obogatilo. Namen projekta je, da v učencih razvijamo občutek in smisel za zdrav odnos in povezanost s starejšo populacijo. Učenci se tako učijo strpnosti, saj te v odnosu do tistih, ki so pomoči potrebni, pogosto primanjkuje. Za izvajanje prostovoljnega dela se učenci opirajo na osebnostne vrednote in osebno rast. Učenci se v projekt vključujejo z velikim veseljem, zanimanjem in interesom.
Caring for Others is a Value
Pupils Meeting with Nursing Home Residents via Video Call
The article presents the project “Razveselimo starejše” (Bringing Joy to the Elderly), which involves intergenerational cooperation between pupils of the Muta Primary School and residents of the Hmelina Nursing Home in Radlje ob Dravi during various activities. During distance education and strict social isolation, the pupils maintained contact with the nursing home residents via video calls. The pupils were excited by the proposal and accepted the challenge. Socializing with one another via video calls was a positive surprise and enriched the lives of both the pupils and the nursing home residents. The purpose of the project is to develop in the pupils a sense of a healthy relationship and connection with the elderly population. The pupils thus learn tolerance, which is often lacking in attitudes towards those in need of help. The pupils rely on their personal values and personal growth when doing volunteer work. The pupils participate in the project with great joy, motivation and interest.