Skrb za duševno zdravje otrok in mladostnikov – zakaj je to medsektorska odgovornost

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Duševno zdravje otrok in mladostnikov razvite družbe uvrščajo med prioritete in hkrati ugotavljajo, da so službe oziroma storitve nezadostne glede na potrebe ter da je promocija duševnega zdravja in preventiva duševnih motenj premalo poudarjena, čeprav so na voljo znanstveni dokazi o učinkovitosti. Hkrati povsod po svetu ugotavljajo, da je bilo duševno zdravje otrok in mladostnikov v času povečane skrbi za duševno zdravje odraslih precej prezrto. To stališče nas je vodilo pri ciljnem raziskovalnem projektu »Razvoj modela nacionalne mreže služb za duševno zdravje otrok in mladostnikov, V5-1504«, katerega cilji so bili sicer širši od tega prispevka. Vendar v prispevku predstavljamo nekaj znanstvenih izhodišč ter dokumentov na mednarodni ravni, ki osvetlijo prav to – skrb za duševno zdravje otrok in mladostnikov –, zakaj si moramo za to (tudi v Sloveniji) prizadevati.


Caring for the mental health of children and youth – why is it an intersectoral responsibility

While the mental health of children and youth is considered a priority in developed societies, it has simultaneously been determined that the number of services that would be able to meet current demands is insufficient, and that not enough stress is put on the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental disorders, even though it has been proved efficient by scientific evidence. At the same time, it has been established on a global scale that the mental health of children and youth has been rather overlooked on account of increased concern for the mental health of adults. With that in mind, the target research project “Development of a model of a national network of services for the mental health of children and youth, V5-1504” was conducted, which contained broader goals than those that were covered in this article. The article, however, sets forth a few scientific starting-points and documents at international level which highlight exactly why taking care of the mental health of children and youth is something we should strive for (in Slovenia as well).