Seminarska naloga iz geometrije v drugem letniku gimnazije

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V članku je predstavljeno dijakovo samostojno raziskovanje geometrijskih konstrukcij na papirju in s pomočjo programa za dinamično geometrijo Geogebra. Vsak dijak je dobil navodilo za izdelavo seminarske naloge, ki je vsebovalo navodila o obliki seminarske naloge, nalogo iz teorije ter deset konstrukcijskih nalog. Konstrukcij so se lotili na klasičen način (šestilo, ravnilo in svinčnik) in s pomočjo računalniškega programa Geogebra. Pri klasičnem načinu so predstavili skico, potek reševanja in narisano konstrukcijo. S programom Geogebra so konstrukcijo tudi oblikovali. Vključili so tudi opis konstrukcije. Poročilo so napisali v urejevalniku besedil, vnesli optično prebrane slike konstrukcij, ki so jih naredili s šestilom in ravnilom ter dodali slike iz Geogebre. Nato so poročilo oddali v spletno učilnico. Rezultate se preveri v spletni učilnici, kjer dobijo dijaki tudi povratno informacijo. Večina dijakov nalogo uspešno opravi. Največ težav imajo z vstavljanjem slik in reševanjem v Geogebri. Problem jim delajo tudi konstrukcije, ki imajo dve možni rešitvi. Mnenja dijakov o uporabi programa Geogebra so različna. Nekateri imajo rajši konstrukcije s programom za dinamično geometrijo, drugi pa raje uporabljajo papir in geometrijsko orodje. Nalogo so delali še v času pred epidemijo, vendar je primerna tudi za delo na daljavo ali v času hibridnega pouka.


Geometry Seminar Paper in Second Year Grammar School

This paper introduces students’ autonomous exploration of geometric constructions on paper using the dynamic geometry software Geogebra. The students were provided with instructions on how to structure the seminar paper, a theory assignment, and ten construction problems. The constructions were completed with the traditional tools (i.e., a pair of compasses, a straightedge, and a pencil) as well as the Geogebra computer program. To present the sketch, the problem-solving process, and the construction drawing, the students adopted the classical method. The Geogebra assisted them in designing the construction. A description of the construction was also included. The students used a word processor to write a report, to which they added scanned images of the ruler-and-compass constructions, and the Geogebra images. Finally, the reports were submitted to the online classroom, where they were evaluated, and where the students received feedback. The majority of the assignments were successfully completed.
While it appears that students have the most difficulty with inserting pictures and solving problems in Geogebra, they also struggle with constructions with two alternatives. Their attitude to Geogebra is ambivalent. Some of them prefer constructions with dynamic geometry software, and others prefer paper and geometry tools. Even though the assignment was carried out in the pre-epidemic days, it is perfectly suitable for distance and hybrid education.