Sekundarni pisni viri pri obravnavi izbirne teme stičišča kultur v drugem letniku gimnazije

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O sekundarnih pisnih virih govorimo, kadar ni neposrednega stika med avtorjem vira in dogodki ali stanji, marveč je med avtorjem vira ter dogodki ali stanji eden ali več posrednikov. Sekundarni pisni viri so torej poročila, ki črpajo svoje znanje iz ohranjenih in dostopnih poročil. Strokovno-znanstvena literatura je praviloma namenjena ljudem, ki že imajo določeno strokovno predznanje. Za dobro znanstveno in strokovno literaturo velja, da avtor točno navaja, na podlagi katerih virov ali raziskav je prišel do svojih spoznanj. Prav tako mora podati informacije o tem, česar znanost še ne ve oziroma česar ni mogoče dokazati. Taki znanstveni opisi zahtevajo veliko truda pri branju, saj vsebujejo zelo veliko citiranj virov. Poljudno-znanstveni opisi tega ne vsebujejo. Namenjeni so širšemu občinstvu »radovednih laikov«. Značilnost takšnih del je zanimiv način pripovedovanja, ki v prvi vrsti ne podaja spoznanj o zgodovinskih odkritjih in interpretacij, temveč zmožnost podoživljanja in vživetje v samo pripoved. Njena prednost je predvsem v tem, da kompleksne stvari predstavlja na laže razumljiv način.


Secondary Written Sources When Discussing the Elective Topic Crossroads of Cultures in the Second Year of General Secondary School

We talk about secondary written sources when there is no direct contact between the source’s author and the events or state of affairs, but when there is at least one intermediary between them. Therefore, secondary written sources are accounts that draw their knowledge from the preserved and accessible accounts. Professional and scientific literature is generally intended for people who already possess certain prior expert knowledge. Good scientific and professional literature is written by authors who mention the exact sources or research studies on which their findings are based. Moreover, the author has to provide information as yet unknown to science or which cannot be proved. Such scientific descriptions require a great effort from the reader as they cite many sources. Popular science descriptions, on the other hand, do not. They are intended for a wider audience of »curious laypeople«. Such works are characterised by an interesting narrative technique, which does not primarily impart findings about historical discoveries or interpretations, but rather provides the chance to relive and become engrossed in the narrative itself. Its main advantage is that it presents complex matters in a way that is easier to understand.