Sedem načel trajnostnega vodenja

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Ravnatelji razvijajo trajnost s tem, kako pristopijo, se zavežejo in zaščitijo globoko učenje v svojih šolah; kako skrbijo zase in ljudi okoli sebe, da spodbujajo in podpirajo to učenje; kakšne spodbude so deležni in kako zmorejo vztrajati pri svoji viziji, ne da bi izgoreli; kako poskušajo zagotoviti, da se bodo vpeljane izboljšave ohranile na dolgi rok, zlasti potem, ko bodo odšli; kako ocenjujejo vpliv svojega vodenja na okoliške šole; kako spodbujajo in ohranjajo ekološko raznolikost namesto standardiziranih predpisov pri poučevanju in učenju v svojih šolah; in s tem, kako si prizadevajo za aktivistično sodelovanje s svojim okoljem.


The Seven Principles of Sustainable Leadership
Leaders develop sustainability by how they approach, commit to and protect deep learning in their schools; by how they sustain themselves and others around them to promote and support that learning; by how they are able and encouraged to sustain themselves in doing so, so that they can persist with their vision and avoid burning out; by how they try to ensure the improvements they bring about last over time, especially after they have gone; by how they consider the impact of their leadership on schools around them; by how they promote and perpetuate ecological diversity rather than standardized prescription in teaching and learning within their schools; and by how they pursue activist engagements
with their environments.