Samorazvijanje vrlin – pot do sebe in do dobrih odnosov z učenci

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Vrline so opredeljene kot pozitivne osebnostne lastnosti z visoko moralno vrednostjo. Njihova klasifikacija predstavlja pomembno delo na področju pozitivne psihologije, ki se usmerja na preučevanje dejavnikov, ki prispevajo k dobremu, polnemu, izpolnjujočemu življenju. V klasifikaciji je opredeljenih 24 vrlin, ki se uvrščajo k šestim temeljnim vrlinam, ki so bile in so cenjene od antike do danes ter so prisotne v skoraj vseh kulturah: modrost in znanje, človečnost, pogum, pravičnost, zmernost in transcendentnost. Posameznik lahko pri sebi prepozna osebne vrline, to so tiste, ki jih visoko vrednoti, jih pogosto uporablja in ravna v skladu z njimi ter se ob tem počuti pristno in izpolnjeno. Raziskave kažejo številne pozitivne koristi uporabe osebnih vrlin v vsakdanjem življenju, zato želim v prispevku bralce spodbuditi k prepoznavanju lastnih osebnih vrlin ter k njihovi zavestni uporabi oz. udejanjanju v vsakdanjem življenju. Še posebej je to pomembno za učitelje, saj se njihove vrline »prenašajo« v razred: učenci zelo pozitivno doživljajo učitelje, ki imajo v večji meri izražene vrline človečnosti in transcendentnosti. V prispevku navajam številne predloge za spodbujanje vrlin tako v vsakdanjem kot profesionalnem življenju.


Developing Character Strengths – Path to Oneself and to Good Relations with Students

Character strengths are defi ned as positive personality traits that are morally valued. Classifi cation of character strengths is an important work in positive psychology; positive psychology focuses on researching positive aspects of life – those that make our lives fulfi lling. There are 24 character strengths in the classifi cation, which are organised under six core virtues: wisdom and knowledge, humanity, courage, justice, temperance, and transcendence. A person can identify his or her signature strengths – those that he or she finds personally important, uses them often, behaves in accordance with them and feels good and fulfilled when displaying them. Researches show several positive outcomes of everyday strengths’ use, therefore, I would like to invite the readers to identify their character strengths and to use them in their lives in new ways. This is especially important for teachers, as their character strengths reflect in the classroom: students perceive very positively those teachers who show to a greater extent character strengths of humanity and transcendence. In the article, I list several useful tips for teachers on how to use character strengths more in private and professional live.