Roditeljski sestanek kot priložnost za ustvarjanje partnerstva

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Dobro sodelovanje med šolo in domom – med učitelji in starši sodi med pomembne kazalce kakovostnega vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela. Partnerstvo postaja vse bolj razširjen koncept in tudi sodobna šolska politika si prizadeva za razvoj partnerskega odnosa med domom in šolo in na ta način prispevati k boljši kakovosti življenja v šoli, ki bo v korist vseh udeležencev. V prispevku predstavljam del vsebin, ki so me na Osnovni šoli Gorišnica vodile pri načrtovanju in izboljševanju sodelovanja s starši v primeru roditeljskega sestanka.


Parent-Teacher Conference as an Opportunity to Create a Partnership

Good cooperation between the school and home – between the teachers and parents – is one of the important indicators of the quality of educational work. Partnership is becoming a widely used concept; contemporary school policy is attempting to develop a partnership between the home and the school, and thus contribute to the higher quality of life in school, which would benefit all those involved. In the paper, I present some of the contents that guided me in planning and improving my cooperation with parents during a parent-teacher conference at the Gorišnica Primary School.