Retorična analiza govorov predsednikov

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V prispevku sem analizirala slavnostna govora slovenskega in ruskega predsednika na proslavi ob 100- letnici Ruske kapelice pod Vršičem 30. 7. 2016 z vidika retorične tehnike, torej dispozicije/ureditve, dolžine, elokucije/ubeseditve (jezikovne pravilnosti in sloga) in akcije/izvedbe. Predpostavljala sem, da sta oba šolana govorca z veliko prakse, a jima pri sestavi govorov verjetno (vsaj občasno) pomagajo strokovnjaki. Ugotavljam, da je bil Putin malenkost boljši pri izvedbi, Pahor pa pri ureditvi in ubeseditvi govora.


Rhetorical Analysis of the Speeches of Presidents

This paper analyses the solemn speeches of the Slovenian and Russian presidents at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Chapel below the Vršič pass on 30 July 2016 from the aspect of rhetorical technique, i.e. disposition/arrangement, length, elocution/verbalisation (linguistic correctness and style) and action/execution. It was presumed that both of them were trained speakers with extensive experience, but that they most likely (at least occasionally) receive help from experts when writing their speeches. It has been established that Putin’s execution was slightly better, whereas Pahor did a better job arranging and verbalising his speech.