V prispevku predstavljam primer izpeljave zgodovinskega terenskega dela, pri kateri učenci učno snov obravnavajo na terenu in s pomočjo dela z zgodovinskimi viri. Tovrstna didaktična pristopa lahko še dodatno obogatita pouk zgodovine in znanje učencev. Namen strokovne ekskurzije je neposredno preučevanje zgodovinskih vsebin ter spoznavanje kulturnozgodovinskih spomenikov, ki si jih učenci v obliki terenskega dela lahko samostojno ogledajo na prostem. Tovrsten didaktični pristop pripomore k aktivnejšemu učenju ter razvija spretnosti odkrivanja, primerjanja in analiziranja posameznih zgodovinskih podatkov in vsebin. Temeljna značilnost sodobnih učnih metod je tudi delo z viri, s katerim lahko učencem zgodovinsko snov bolje približamo in podkrepimo. Z uporabo in analizo, v tem primeru pisnih literarnih virov, se učenci učijo iskati in ugotavljati podatke, o katerih govori zgodovinsko besedilo, in obenem razvijajo tudi kritično mišljenje, saj ugotavljajo in ocenjujejo njihovo zanesljivost ali pristranskost.
The Reformation in Gorizia – School Field Trip with Fieldwork in Primary School History Class
The article describes an example of implementing fieldwork in History classes where students learn their material through fieldwork and working with history resources. Both didactic approaches can enhance and add to History classes and student knowledge. The purpose of a school field trip is to study history content directly and to learn about cultural and historical monuments independently outdoors in the form of fieldwork. This didactic approach contributes to a more active learning and develops the skills of discovery, comparison and analysis of individual historical information and content. One of the main tools in modern learning methods is also working with resources, which supports and makes History material more relatable to students. By using and analysing resources, in this case written literary sources, students learn to search for and find the information mentioned in historical texts as well as develop critical thinking by determining and evaluating its reliability or bias.