Na naši šoli se tako učitelji kot tudi učenci in njihovi starši se zelo dobro zavedamo, da je naravno okolje treba spoštovati in varovati. Vrsto let imamo urejeno ločeno zbiranje odpadkov v vseh učilnicah in po hodnikih. Že kar nekaj let izvajamo akcije zbiranja starega papirja, približno trikrat letno. Pri tem smo zelo uspešni. Ekološko problematiko vpletamo v učne vsebine pri pouku, še posebej pri predmetih, kot je spoznavanje okolja v prvi, naravoslovje in tehnika v drugi, biologija, kemija v tretji triadi. Ti predmeti nam omogočajo uresničevanje pozitivnih misli in razmišljanja o okolju tako v sedanjosti kot tudi v prihodnosti ter povezovanje in izvedbo aktualnih vsebin z vsebinami iz učnega načrta pri teh predmetih. Okolju skrb po navadi namenimo tudi tako, da en tehniški dan posvetimo oblikovanju izdelkov iz odpadnega materiala. Iz pripovedovanja o tem, kako ločujejo odpadke doma, o svojih izkušnjah in opazovanju okolice, v kateri živijo, je videti, da so učenci zelo zgovorni. Zaznavajo tako pozitivne kot še vedno tudi negativne primere. O tem učenci radi poročajo v šoli, si izmenjajo izkušnje o tej temi, hkrati pa razvijajo svojo ekološko zavest in se pri tem tudi kaj naučijo.
Recycling Waste Paper
At our school, the teachers, the students and their parents are all very well aware of the need to respect and preserve the natural environment. We have had a waste sorting system in all classrooms and hallways for many years now. We have been organising waste paper collection drives for a few years now, about three times a year. Always with great success. We incorporate ecological issues into the learning contents during class, especially in subjects such as Environmental Education in the first triad, Natural Science and Technology in the second triad, and Biology and Chemistry in the third triad. These subjects enable us to realise positive thoughts and reflection on the environment in the present and future, and to integrate and implement topical contents with the contents in the curricula of these subjects. We usually show our care for the environment by dedicating one Technology Day to designing products made from waste material. When asked about how they sort waste at home, about their experiences, and their observations about the area in which they are living, the students are very talkative. They notice both positive and negative examples. The students like to report such things at their school, exchange experiences on the topic, and simultaneously develop their ecological consciousness, without getting the impression that they have learnt something in the process.