Razvojni načrt vrtca od ideje do uresničitve

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V članku je opisan praktični prikaz razvojnega načrtovanja od ideje do oblikovanja razvojnega načrta vrtca. Pomemben poudarek avtorica namenja skupnemu odločanju in načrtovanju, ki posameznika vključuje, mu določa večjo profesionalno odgovornost in hkrati pomeni večjo pripadnost ideji in kolektivu. Ravnatelj je tisti, ki bdi nad vrtcem kot celoto, usmerja in uravnava vzgojno-izobraževalni proces. Razvojno načrtovanje je usmerjeno v raziskovanje vrtca, iskanje prednosti in slabosti, oblikovanje dolgoročnih ciljev in vizije, vse zato, da bi zagotovili kakovostno izvajanje vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela. Razvojni načrt omogoča izvrstno preglednost, vrednotenje dela, možnost postopnega prehajanja med področji in subtilno vključevanje sprememb. Dodana vrednost pri uresničevanju razvojnega načrta je tudi spremljanje dela po celotni vertikali ter povezovanje aktivnosti profesionalnega razvoja z izvedbo in načrtovanjem kurikula za vrtce.


Kindergarten Development Planning, from the Idea to Reality

The following article describes a practical demonstration of development planning from the initial idea to designing a kindergarten’s development plan. The author places strong emphasis on collective decision making and planning which engage individuals, assign them with a greater professional responsibility, and at the same time bring about a deeper affiliation to the idea as well as to the team of educators. It is the principal who oversees the kindergarten as a whole, directs and coordinates the educational process. Development planning focuses on exploring the kindergarten, looking for its strengths and weaknesses, outlining its long-term goals and vision, all with the aim of ensuring a quality implementation of educational work. A development plan allows for excellent transparency, the evaluation of work, the option of gradual transition among the fields and a subtle integration of changes. The added value in the implementation of the development plan is also in the monitoring of work along the entire organisational vertical, and the integration of professional development activities with the curriculum planning and realisation for preschool.