Članek obravnava izvedbo pouka zgodovine pri obravnavi učne vsebine z naslovom Gospodarski razvoj (kot del obvezne teme Slovensko nacionalno oblikovanje) v tretjem letniku gimnazije. Pouk zgodovine je bil zastavljen kot delo z zgodovinskimi viri iz slovenske oziroma lokalne zgodovine iz 19. stoletja, ki jih lahko najdemo tudi na svetovnem spletu. Pouk zgodovine je sledil učnim ciljem za obravnavano učno snov, v ospredju pa so bile veščine za spodbujanje kompetenc podjetnosti. Pri nadgradnji pouka zgodovine v projekt pa je bil poudarek predvsem na spodbujanju večjega števila kompetenc podjetništva oziroma spodbujanju kompetenc na vseh treh področjih: zamisli in priložnosti, viri in k dejanjem.
Developing Entrepreneurship Competences by Researching the Past of a Village in the Trnovo Parish (Present-Day Ilirska Bistrica) Using Historical Sources
The article discusses the implementation of history lessons when discussing the learning unit Economic Development (as part of the compulsory topic Formation of Slovenian National Identity) in the third year of grammar school. Th e history lessons were designed as working with historical sources from Slovenian or local 19th-century history, which can also be found online. The history lessons followed the learning objectives for the learning unit in question, focusing on skills that promote entrepreneurship competences. When expanding the history lessons into a project, we focused mostly on promoting a number of entrepreneurship competences or on promoting competences in all three areas: Ideas and Opportunities, Resources and Into Action.