V svojem prispevku sem skušala s pomočjo strokovne monografije Sodoben pouk (književnosti), avtorice Milene Kerndl, ne samo izpostaviti določena poglavja, pač pa podati tudi svoja opažanja kot srednješolska profesorica z večletno pedagoško prakso, saj mi je kot profesorici slovenščine branje v srednji strokovni šoli svojevrsten izziv. Avtorica se je temeljito poglobila v problem, kar je podkrepila tudi s končnim poglavjem Empirični del. Sama sem ob tem izpostavila probleme, ki jih opažam kot srednješolska profesorica slovenščine. Zavedam se, da je poučevanje književnosti za mladostnike bič božji, ker je po njihovem mnenju dolgočasno in nepotrebno. A kot navaja avtorica, se morata učitelj in mladostnik srečati in skupaj vzpostaviti ravnotežje, rezultat tega pa bo uspešna pot branja in pisanja.
Reflections on the Monograph by Milena Kerndl Modern (Literature) Lessons and Differences among Students
Aided by the technical monograph Modern (Literature) Lessons and Differences among Students written by Milena Kerndl, my paper tries to highlight certain chapters and above all offer my observations as a secondary school professor with several years of teaching practice, since being a Slovenian language professor at a secondary technical school means that reading poses a unique challenge. The author of the monograph has delved into the problem in-depth and substantiated her claims with the final chapter entitled Empirical Section. I have additionally pointed out certain problems that I have noticed as a secondary school Slovenian language professor. I am aware that adolescents consider the teaching of literature to be a scourge, for they believe that it is boring and unnecessary. However, as stated by the author, the teacher and the adolescent must come together and establish a balance, which will result in a successful reading and writing path.