Kako nadgraditi pouk nadarjenim učencem in v njih spodbuditi razmišljanje ter zanimanje za iskanje potrebnih ter zadostnih podatkov, vključiti medpredmetno povezavo, z uporabo že pridobljenega znanja iz različnih področij pridobiti s preiskovanjem nove rezultate, nova spoznanja? Nadarjeni učenci 9. razredov so samostojno raziskali ter izračunali približek gostote človeškega telesa. Nadarjenim učencem 7. razredov pa je to uspelo z navodili in s smernicami.
V skupinah so učenci, ki imajo dobro razvito miselno-spoznavalno področje, učno-storilnostno področje,
dobro motivacijo in so močni na socialno-čustvenem področju.
Accounting the humanity
How can we make classes more interesting for talented students to stimulate their thinking and interest that would incite them to look for the necessary and sufficient information, include cross-curricular connections and use the knowledge they have already gained in different other areas in researching and acquiring new results and new findings? The gifted ninth graders independently studied and calculated the average density of the human body, while the gifted seventh graders accomplished the same with instructions and guidance.
The groups included students with well-developed mental cognitive processes, learning-performance processes, good motivation and social-emotional learning.