Kaj so protislovne vsebine, zakaj (oz. če sploh) so pomembne ter kako naj jih poučujemo, so vprašanja, ki so v sodobnih razpravah na širšem področju vzgoje in izobraževanja tako aktualna kakor tudi neizogibna. Ob njih trčimo ob različnih aktualnih dogodkih in nesoglasjih kot tudi ob vrsti t. i. »klasičnih« problemov oz. dilem. Prispevek analizira nekatera izmed vprašanj, ki so povezana z vključevanjem protislovnih vsebin v proces vzgoje in izobraževanja. Uvodni del predstavi problematiko poučevanja protislovnih vsebin. Sledi predstavitev kriterijev, na podlagi katerih določeno vsebino pripoznamo kot protislovno. Tretji del identificira najpomembnejše funkcije, ki jih povezujemo z vključevanjem protislovnih vsebin. Sklepni del problematizira različne pristope k njihovemu poučevanju v okviru pouka državljanske vzgoje in geografije.
Contradictory Contents in Education
What are contradictory contents, why are they important (if at all), and how to teach them are questions that are both topical and unavoidable in contemporary wideranging discussions about education. We come across them during various current events and disagreements, and in the case of the so-called classic problems or dilemmas. The present paper analyses some of the questions connected with the integration of contradictory contents into the education process. The introductory part presents the issue of teaching contradictory contents. This is followed by a presentation of the criteria used to identify specific content as contradictory. The third part identifies the most important functions connected with the integration of contradictory contents. The concluding part problematises different approaches to teaching such contents during civic education and geography lessons.