Projekt Deček in hiša ali kako je nastajal šolski časopis

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Ustvarjalnost in domišljijo učencev poleg rednih učnih ur pouka razvijamo in spodbujamo tudi pri drugih šolskih dejavnostih. V bolnišnični šoli je ena izmed teh zagotovo nastajanje šolskega časopisa, v okviru katerega se sodelujoči povezujemo, dopolnjujemo, nadgrajujemo, medgeneracijsko povezujemo ter ustvarjamo v najširšem pomenu besede, s tovrstnimi vsebinami pa realiziramo tudi kulturne dneve in počastimo slovenski kulturni praznik.


The Project Deček in hiša [Boy and House] or the Making of a School Newspaper

In addition to the regular lessons, we are also developing and encouraging the creativity and imagination of students during other school activities. In a hospital school one of these activities is without a doubt the making of a school newspaper, within the scope of which we, the participants, collaborate, complement one another, improve ourselves, form intergenerational links and do creative work in the broadest sense of the word; such contents are also used when organising culture days and commemorating the Slovenian cultural holiday.