Novi modeli vodenja za kakovostno učenje in poučevanje vedno bolj temeljijo na sodelovanju in mreženju. Sodobno vodenje pomeni, da ima ravnatelj ob sebi številne druge vodje, ki z združevanjem in povezovanjem vseh strokovnih delavcev in drugih deležnikov omogočajo in krepijo profesionalne učeče se skupnosti. V prispevku bomo spregovorili o prvih izkušnjah z izvajanjem programa »(P)ostani uspešen srednji vodja«, ki je bil prvotno namenjen pomočnikom ravnateljev in so ga prvi č izvedli leta 2020 v Šoli za ravnatelje. V uvodnem delu so orisane teoretične podlage, nato vloge in naloge ter profesionalni razvoj pomočnika ravnatelja v Sloveniji. Evalvacija pilotne izvedbe programa je pokazala, da so potrebe po
usposobljenosti na tem področju velike in da lahko tak program močno prispeva k vseživljenjskemu učenju vseh srednjih vodij v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih. V sklepnem delu so izpostavljeni tudi predlogi za nadaljnji razvoj profesionalnega usposabljana pomočnikov ravnateljev.
The Professional Development of Assistant Principals through the Prism of ‘Become a Successful Middle Leader’ Programme
New quality learning and teaching models increasingly build on collaboration and networking. Modern leadership requires the principals to have a number of other leaders by their side who, by bringing together and integrating all teaching staff and other stakeholders, enable and strengthen professional learning communities. The paper will recount our first experience related to the implementation of the BeCome a Successful Middle Leader programme, which was initially intended for assistant principals and was first implemented in 2020 by the National School for Leadership in Education. The introductory part delineates theoretical foundations, then the roles and tasks, and the professional development of assistant principals in Slovenia. The evaluation of pilot programme implementation showed that the need for competence building in this field was great and that this kind of programme could considerably contribute to the lifelong learning of all middle managers in educational institutions. The concluding section presents suggestions for further development in the field of professional training for assistant principals.