Problemi z odtokom meteornih voda

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Meteorna voda je tista, ki nastane v času padavin. Večina območij v industrijskih predelih je neprepustnih (asfaltiranih), zato meteorna voda ne more v podtalje in tako na mestu nastanka postane površinski odtok, ki se izteka neposredno v najbližje vodno telo ali pa v tla. Večina meteorne vode je danes speljana v kanalizacijske sisteme, ki pa ob močnem deževju ne morejo sprejeti vse meteorne vode, zato je na območjih z neprepustnimi površinami možnost nastanka poplav, saj neprepustne površine povečujejo tako odtok kot tudi hitrost vode. V zadnjih letih je Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Republike Slovenije izdalo vrsto uredb za številne različne tehnološke odpadne vode, ne pa tudi za padavinsko vodo s cest. Prikazano je stanje meteornih voda v urbanih območjih ter nakazane rešitve za odgovorno upravljanje s tem vodnim virom.


Rainwater Drainage Issues

Rainwater emerges as a result of rainfall. In most industrial areas, the ground is impermeable (i.e., asphalted). Consequently, rainwater cannot flow into the subsoil. Instead, it causes precipitation runoff that flows directly into the nearest body of water or permeable ground. Most rainwater today is channelled into sewer systems, which cannot retain the excess water during heavy rainfalls. Impermeable surfaces increase runoff and water velocity. Consequently, areas with impermeable surfaces are prone to flooding. The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia has issued a series of regulations in recent years concerning various types of technological wastewater. However, the area of roadside rainwater remains unregulated. The current article discusses the state of rainwater in urban areas and the workable solutions for responsible management of this water resource.