Pristen človeški stik med vsemi udeleženci vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa se začne v meni

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V članku je opisan večletni projekt vpeljave nenasilne/sočutne komunikacije v Osnovno šolo Prevalje ter predvsem moje izkušnje z uporabo pristopa in metod pri vzpostavljanju pristnega stika z učenci in njihovimi starši ter prenašanja znanja na učence. Nenasilna komunikacija je pristop k komunikaciji, ki ga je v 70 letih prejšnega stoletja razvil ameriški psiholog Marshall Rosenberg in v medosebne odnose v različnih okoljih, tudi v šolskem, prinaša več empatije, povezanosti, iskrenosti in odprtosti ter nam pomaga krepiti stik s seboj, ki je nujno potreben v zahtevnem šolskem okolju.


Genuine Human Contact between All Participants in the Educational Process Begins inside Me

The article describes a multi-year project of introducing nonviolent/compassionate communication into the Prevalje Primary School and, above all, my experience in using this approach and methods to establish genuine contact with pupils and their parents, and to pass on knowledge to the pupils. Nonviolent communication is an approach to communication developed by the American psychologist Marshall Rosenberg in the 1970s, which introduces greater empathy, connection, honesty and openness into interpersonal relationships in various environments, including the school environment, thus helping us to get in touch with ourselves, which is necessary in the demanding school environment.