V prispevku predstavljam učno gradivo za obravnavo Fontainove basni Mravlja in muren. Glede na učni načrt mora učenec v 7. razredu OŠ poznati basen. Namenjeno je neslovansko govorečim učencem začetnikom. V gradivu je poudarek na besedišču in strukturah (predstavljenih s slikovnim gradivom), ki so del vsakdanje komunikacije, hkrati pa so bistveni za razumevanje same zgodbe. Učenec se tako aktivno vključi v sprejemanje obravnavne snovi – spoznava književno delo, ob tem pa se nauči besedišča in komunikacijskih vzorcev, ki mu omogočajo osnovno sporazumevanje v slovenskem jeziku.
Example of Discussing La Fontaine’s Fable The Ant and the Grasshopper with Immigrant Pupils
This paper presents teaching material for discussing La Fontaine’s fable The Ant and the Grasshopper. According to the curriculum, a pupil in the 7th grade of primary school must be familiar with this fable. The material is intended for non-Slovenian-speaking novice learners. The material focuses on the vocabulary and structures (presented with pictorial material) that are a part of everyday communication and are also essential for understanding the story itself. A pupil thus becomes actively involved in receiving the subject matter being discussed – the pupil comes to know the literary work, while learning new words and communication patterns that will enable him/her basic communication in the Slovenian language.