Primer iz prakse: didaktični pripomoček za razvoj tipnega spomina

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Vsi otroci se zelo radi igrajo. Preko igre pridobivajo nova znanja in izkušnje na različnih področjih. Vendar pa vsi otroci nimajo enakih možnosti za igro. Slepi in slabovidni otroci se ne morejo igrati običajnih iger, kot so spomin, človek ne jezi se ipd., zato potrebujejo prilagojene igre. Vsem učencem je treba ustvariti takšne pogoje, ki omogočajo optimalen razvoj in učenje s sovrstniki s ciljem zmanjševanja diskriminacije in socialne izključenosti. Pri vzgoji in izobraževanju imajo učitelji pomembno vlogo, da pri vseh vzgojno-izobraževalnih vsebinah vključujejo vse učence in jih spodbujajo k sodelovanju. Odločili smo se, da izdelamo igro tipni spomin, ki bo namenjena vsem učencem na osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom, tudi slepim in slabovidnim. Igra poteka individualno, kjer učenec s tipanjem različnih materialov išče pare. Tipni spomin so preizkusili slepi in slabovidni učenci, videči učenci in gibalno ovirani učenci. Izkušnje so nam pokazale, da je igra primerna za vse učence.


Case Study: Didactic Tool for Developing Sensory Memory

All children like to play. While playing, they acquire new knowledge and experiences in different fields. However, not all children have the same opportunities to play. The blind and partially sighted children cannot participate in common board games, such as memory, ludo etc., therefore their board games have to be adapted for them. It is necessary to ensure all students the conditions that allow them the optimal development and learning with their peers, with the goal of minimising discrimination and social exclusion. Within the framework of upbringing and educating, teachers play an important role in including all students in all educational contents and encouraging them to participate. We have decided to create a game of sensory memory that allows all students at the primary school with a special curriculum to participate in playing games, even the blind and partially sighted. The children play individually, searching for pairs by touching memory cards. The game was tested by the blind and partially sighted, seeing and movement impaired students. The results showed that the game is suitable for all students.