S formativnim spremljanjem in vrednotenjem želimo učitelji posameznemu učencu omogočiti, da dosega učne rezultate, primerne njegovim realnim zmožnostim, ter da se zaveda, da sam prevzema del odgovornosti za lastno učenje. Pri tem učenec glede na svoje predznanje uporablja različne strategije, metode in oblike dela za reševanje nalog, učitelj pa je tisti, ki učenca spodbuja k samostojnemu učenju in kritičnemu razmišljanju ter s povratno informacijo sproti spremlja njegov napredek. Prispevek predstavlja eno izmed možnosti obravnave geografske učne snovi z elementi formativnega spremljanja in vrednotenja. Izkušnje kažejo, da večkratna izvedba podobnih učnih ur vpliva na aktivnost in uspeh učenca ter razreda kot celote, hkrati pa učitelju predstavlja vedno nov izziv.
An Example of Formative Assessment and Evaluation at Geography in the Seventh Class
Through formative assessment we, teachers, wish to enable individual students to achieve the learning outcomes that match their real abilities, and to make them realise that they carry some of the responsibility for their own learning. In the process, students use different strategies, methods and forms of work to solve tasks, in accordance with their prior knowledge, while the teacher is the one who encourages students to learn independently and think critically, and who regularly monitors their progress by providing feedback. This paper presents a potential discussion of Geography learning content with elements of formative assessment. Judging from experience, implementing similar lessons several times influences the activity and achievement of an individual student and of the class as a whole, while presenting a constant challenge for the teacher.