V razpravi so predstavljene tri prireditve z nastopi mladinskega pevskega zbora Osnovne šole narodnega heroja Rajka Hrastnik. Pri prvi opisani prireditvi gre za primer, s katerim želimo prikazati uspešno povezovanje osnovne šole z lokalnim okoljem in nastop v industrijskem vzdušju pred objektom nekdanjega Rudnika Trbovlje – Hrastnik. Druga prireditev v sklopu decembrske Pravljične dežele in novoletnih karaok izstopa po angažiranem skupnem sodelovanju občinstva z nastopajočimi. Tretja, zaključna prireditev ob koncu šolskega leta pa raziskuje nove možnosti zasnove prireditvenega programa in opušča vezno besedilo kot sredstvo napovedovanja posameznih točk. Omenjene prireditve so se časovno zvrstile od junija do decembra 2022. Ob primerih so predstavljene ideje, iz katerih so se prireditve razvile, priložnosti, ob katerih so se odvile, ter njihovi cilji in nameni. Opisani so potek načrtovanja, program vaj in druge priprave, dodan pa je še krajši komentar o odzivu občinstva na samih prireditvah.
Working with Local Community, New Year Karaoke and Ideas for Closing Event
Three events featuring performances by the youth choir of the National Hero Rajko Hrastnik Primary School are introduced. The first event shows a primary school successfully integrating with the local environment and performing in an industrial setting at the former Trbovlje – Hrastnik mine. The second event, part of the December Fairytale Land and New Year‘s Karaoke, is notable for its lively interaction between the performers and the audience. The third and final event of the school year explores new possibilities for the event programme and abandons the linking text to announce individual acts. The events curred between June and December of 2022. The author introduces the ideas that led to the events, their timeline, goals and objectives. The planning process, rehearsal schedule, and other details are discussed. The article concludes with a brief commentary on how the audience reacted to these events.