V prispevku obravnavano problematiko, kako z dobro prakso avtentičnega vodenja in timskega dela izboljšujemo procese vodenja in učenja med strokovnimi sodelavci in drugimi deležniki v vzgojno- izobraževalnem zavodu, pri čemer posebej osvetljujemo vlogo, kot jo z vidika lastne prakse ocenjujejo sami. Pomagali smo si z multimetodološko raziskavo, ki smo jo opravili v Osnovni šoli Trebnje. Raziskovalni del študije temelji na multimetodološki raziskavi, v katero so bili vključeni vodja ter zaposleni v izbrani ustanovi. S pomočjo domače in tuje znanstvene literature smo oblikovali zaprt tip vprašalnika, s katerim smo določili stopnjo razvitosti avtentičnega vodenja v izbranem zavodu ter ugotavljali povezanost med avtentičnim vodenjem vodje in motiviranostjo zaposlenih za delo v timu. Zaradi večje objektivnosti, zanesljivosti in veljavnosti vprašalnika smo izvedli tudi poglobljen polstrukturirani intervju z vodjo vzgojno-izobraževalnega zavoda. Rezultati študije so pokazali, da so v izbranem vzgojno-izobraževalnem zavodu avtentično vodenje prepoznali kot spodbujevalec timskega dela, avtentični ravnatelj spodbuja vse pozitivne vrline, ki so potrebne za učinkovito timsko delo, posebej ključne posebno tiste, ki so za vzgojno- izobraževalne zavode ključne. Sledilci zato želijo slediti takšnemu vodji. Za uspešnim ravnateljem stojijo uspešni delovni timi pedagogov in učiteljev. Rezultat tega je uspešno, učinkovito in družbeno odgovorno delovno okolje vzgojno-izobraževalnega zavoda. S pomočjo primarnih in sekundarnih podatkov smo potrdili tezo, da sta v Osnovni šoli Trebnje prisotni avtentično vodenje in timsko delo.
Demonstration of Good Practice for Authentic Leadership and Teamwork in Teaching: Analysis of Educational Institution, Trebnje Elementary School
This article discusses how the process of leadership and learning among the educators and other stakeholders of an educational institution is improved through the good practice of authentic leadership and teamwork, highlighting in particular the role that the work of teachers and principals plays in this process and their own assessment of this role from the point of view of their own practice. For this purpose, a multimethod study was used, conducted at Trebnje Elementary School. In our research paper, based on the example of analysis from Trebnje Elementary school, we confirmed our hypothesis that authentic leadership and teamwork within educational institutions were positively correlated, as authentic leadership promotes staff teamwork, thereby accomplishing the collective mission of the institution. The research part of the study builds on a multimethod survey, which involved the leader and staff of the selected institution. Drawing upon Slovene and international literature review, we designed a closedended questionnaire in order to determine the development level of authentic leadership in the given institution and learn about the interaction between the authentic leadership of the leader and the motivation of employees for teamwork. For reasons of greater objectivity, reliability and validity of the questionnaire, an in-depth semi-structured interview with the head of the educational institution – the principal of Trebnje Elementary School – was also conducted. The results of this study have shown that the given educational institution recognizes authentic leadership as facilitating teamwork; the authentic principal promotes all the positive qualities required for effective teamwork, especially those that are central to educational institutions. Followers therefore want to follow such a leader. Standing behind a successful headteacher are working teams of educators and teachers. The result is a successful, efficient and socially responsible work environment of the educational institution. By means of primary and secondary data, we managed to confirm the hypothesis that authentic leadership and teamwork are present at Trebnje Elementary School.