Presek stanja opazovanja pedagoškega procesa na ravni vzgojno-izobraževalnega zavoda

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Ravnatelj mora kot vodja vzgojno-izobraževalnega zavoda opravljati različne naloge, ki mu jih nalaga zakonodaja. Ena izmed pomembnejših in odgovornejših nalog je spremljanje dela strokovnih delavcev. V prispevku so predstavljene hospitacije, ki veljajo za enega najpogostejših načinov ravnateljevega spremljanja dela zaposlenih v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih. V prvem delu prispevka so predstavljeni teoretična izhodišča, cilji in protokol, ki vsebuje kratek zapis korakov v procesu hospitacije. V osrednjem delu je predstavljena analiza prakse opazovanja pedagoškega dela v vzgojno-izobraževalnem zavodu. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov ter diskusije strokovnih delavcev, ki so bili vključeni v raziskavo, zaključni del prispevka vsebuje predloge za izboljšavo na obravnavanem področju.


A Cross Section of the State of Observation of the Educational Process at the Level of the Educational Institution

As the head of an educational institution, a headteacher has to perform various tasks required by law. Monitoring the work of professionals is one of their most important and responsible duties. This paper presents classroom observation, which is considered one of the most common ways for headteachers to monitor the work of employees in educational institutions. The first part of the paper introduces the theoretical background, the objectives and the protocol, including a brief description of the steps involved in the classroom observation process. The central part of the paper focuses on an analysis of the practice of the observation of teaching work in the educational institution. Based on the data obtained and discussions with the professionals involved in the research, suggestions for improvement in the field in question are offered in the conclusion.