Preprosta demonstracija fosforescence pri fluorescentni sijalki

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Pomembno je, da pri pouku fizike pokažemo, da se fizika tiče svetá okoli nas, in da dijaki z učenjem fizike spoznavajo tudi sodobne naprave, najbolje ob poskusih. Izšel je članek, ki opisuje preprost testni poskus, s katerim izmerimo fosforescenco fluorescentne sijalke [1]. Prispevek temelji na članku [2], ki učitelju ponudi učni načrt, s katerim vodi dijaka po korakih skozi delovanje fluorescentne sijalke in razjasni razliko med fluorescenco in fosforescenco. Koraki vključujejo ključno znanje in kompetence raziskovalnega procesa, kot so načrtovanje poskusa, snovanje predpostavk in testiranje hipoteze. Tu bom povzel vsebino in opisal razmeroma preprost poskus z doma dosegljivo opremo, ki ga lahko vključimo v pouk nekje po obravnavi izmeničnih tokov in svetlobnih spektrov, npr. ko obravnavamo spektre različnih svetil. Tema je zanimiva tudi za obravnavo atomskih energijskih stanj. Pri poskusu dijaki spoznajo osnovo delovanja fluorescentne sijalke, ki se poleg sijalk LED uporablja za razsvetljevanje večjih prostorov.


A Simple Demonstration of Phosphorescence on a Fluorescent Bulb

Two of the important purposes of physics classes is to convey that physics is part of the world around us and to teach students about the modern devices, which is best accomplished through experiments. An article was published which describes a simple experiment of measuring the phosphorescence of a fluorescent bulb [1]. This paper is based on the article [2] that provides teachers with a lesson plan to guide students step-by-step in learning about the functioning of a fluorescent bulb and explaining the difference between fluorescence and phosphorescence. The steps include key knowledge and competences of the research process, such as experiment planning, formulation of suppositions
and hypothesis testing. The paper summarizes this content and describes a relatively simple experiment using home equipment that can be included in class after students have learned about alternating current and light spectrum, e.g. when learning about the spectra of various light sources. This topic is also interesting when learning about energy levels of an atom. During the experiment, students learn the basics of fluorescent bulbs that are used, along with LED light bulbs, to illuminate larger spaces.