V prispevku je predstavljena izkušnja prehoda na sistem COBISS na Šolskem centru Nova Gorica, ki je potekala vzporedno z združevanjem novogoriških srednjih šol in njihovih šolskih knjižnic. Opisano je načrtovanje prehoda, utemeljene so nekatere odločitve, razložen je tudi potek prehoda in prednosti, ki jih nudi sistem COBISS. Ob tem je opisano tudi združevanje knjižnic različnih zavodov, težave, ki so nastale ob tem, in kako smo jih uspešno rešili.
Transition to COBISS in the Library of the Nova Gorica School Centre and Integration of School Libraries in the Goriško Region
The article introduces the transition to COBISS in the Nova Gorica School Centre which was carried out at the same time as the integration of the secondary schools and their school libraries in Nova Gorica. The planning of the transition is presented, including the justification of certain decisions, as well as the explanation of the process and the benefits of the COBISS system. Furthermore, the integration of the libraries of various institutions is described together with the challenges occurring in the process and their successful resolution.