V članku prevprašujem obstoječ pristop pomoči priseljenim otrokom in iščem nov načine podpore, obravnavam kompleksnost izkušenj ob selitvi in kot enega izmed možnih pripomočkov za delo z otroki, ki se priselijo, vidim pravljico. V članku predstavim avtorsko pravljico »Zajček Zeki v kokošji deželi«, ki je nastala v kontekstu šolskega svetovalnega dela. Pravljica govori o zajčku Zekiju, ki se mora zaradi očetove službe preseliti v kokošjo deželo.
Fairy Tale as Support When Moving to Another Country: “Zajček Zeki v kokošji deželi” (Rabbit Zeki in the Land of Chicken)
The article questions the existing approach to helping immigrant children, looks for new ways of support and discusses the complexity of experiences in moving to a new country. Fairy tale is seen as one of many possible tools for working with immigrant children. The article presents the fairy tale entitled “Zajček Zeki v kokošji deželi” (Rabbit Zeki in the Land of Chicken), which was created in the context of school counselling work. The fairy tale features a rabbit called Zeki, who has to move to the land of chicken because of his father’s work.